We aim at identifying correctly priced and/or undervalued assets then purpose to strategically embed them in the appropriate economic cycles for maximum return generation within the acceptable risk tolerance levels. The cornerstone of our investment philosophy is three-fold. In managing clients funds, we help our clients achieve value growth, income generation and value preservation.
Absa Shilling Money Market Fund
This fund invests in interest-bearing securities and other short-term money market instrunments. It is a low-risk investment offering high yields, income stability and immediate liquidity. It is suitable for investors who are looking for short term investments, especially during times of high stock market volatility.
Initial fee :0%
Annual management fee: 2% per annum
Absa Dollar Money Market Fund
This fund invests in interest-bearing securities and other short-term money market instrunments. It is a low-risk investment offering high yields, income stability and immediate liquidity. It is suitable for investors who are looking for short term investments in USD specifically.
Initial fee: 0%
Annual management fee: 1% per annum
Absa Bond Fund
This fund invests primarily in interest-bearing securities such as non-equity securities, financially sound preference shares, treasury bills, treasury bonds, corporate bonds and any other securities that are consistent with the portfolio’s investment policy. It is a low-risk investment offering high yield.
It is suitable for investors who are seeking a short-medium term investment that provides regular and stable income from their investment, and for investors who intend to secure a safe vehicle for their investments.
Initial fee: 0%
Annual management fee: 2% per annum
Absa Balanced Fund
This fund is suitable for investors who seek to invest in a balanced portfolio offering exposure to all sectors of the market. The fund invests in listed shares and fixed income securities and will have a bias towards equities offering long-term value. It is a mediym risk investment suitable for medium-long term investment portfolios.
Initial fee: 0%
Annual management fee: 2% per annum
Absa Equity Fund
This fund is suitable for investors seeking medium to long-term capital growth in their portfolios through a medium-high riskinvestment. It invests primarily in companies listed in the regional Stock Exchanges and offers superior returns over the long term by maximising long-term capital growth.
Initial fee: 0%
Annual management fee: 2% per annum

Sign up for Unit Trust
Download the necessary form/s, fill in and email it to us at:
Application form (required)
Application form for individuals
Application form for corporates
Risk profiler for applicant
Additional forms
Unit buying form
Unit switching form
Unit selling form
Change of details form